Time |
Talk |
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Memories |
14:00 |
Bernard Ghanem: Opening remarks |
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14:15 |
Joao Carreira: Video Understanding and the Kinetics Dataset |
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14:45 |
Jitendra Malik: AVA: A Video Dataset of Atomic Visual Actions |
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15:15 |
Huijuan Xu: R-C3D: Region-Convolutional 3D Network for Activity Detection (Most Innovative) |
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15:35 |
Bernard Ghanem: Task1: Untrimmed Video Classification (Dataset and Results) |
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15:45 |
Afternoon Break |
16:15 |
Jiankang Deng: Improve Untrimmed Video Classification and Action Localization by Human and Object Tubelets (Winner Task 1) |
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16:35 |
Brian Zhang: Task2: Trimmed Action Recognition (Dataset and Results) |
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16:45 |
Chuang Gan: Revisiting the Effectiveness of Off-the-shelf Temporal Modeling Approaches for Video Recognition (Winner Task 2) |
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17:05 |
Fabian Caba: Task3&4: Temporal Action Proposals and Localization (Dataset and Results) |
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17:20 |
Zheng Shou: Temporal Convolution Based Action Proposal: Submission to ActivityNet 2017 (Winner Task3&4) |
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17:40 |
Ranjay Krishna: Task5: Dense-Captioning Events in Videos (Dataset and Results) |
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17:50 |
Ting Yao: ActivityNet Challenge 2017: Dense-Captioning Event in Videos (Winner Task 5) |
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16:10 |
Bernard Ghanem: Closing Remarks |
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Important Dates
May 1, 2017: Development kit and data will be available.
June 12, 2017: Test subsets will be available.
June 19, 2017: Evaluation server will be available.
July 5, 2017: Leaderboard will be public.
July 9, 2017 July 16, 2017 (11:59 PM Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone): Challenge submission deadline.
July 11, 2017 July 18, 2017 (11:59 PM Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone): Paper submission deadline.
July 12, 2017 July 19, 2017 (11:59 PM Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone): Winners announcement.
July 26, 2017: Workshop session.