To enter the competition, you need to create an account on Evaluation Tab.
This account allows you to upload your results to the evaluation server and participate in the ActivityNet Challenge 2016.
A maximum of one (1) submission is allowed per team per week. This limit will be strictly enforced.
Only results that are submitted before the challenge deadline and posted to the leaderboard will be considered valid.
Uploading JSON files using an invalid format for either classification or detection tasks will prompt an error from the ActivityNet server.
You will also need to upload a notebook paper that describes your method in detail.
After the server processes your submission, a file with your results will appear for download.
Additionally, you will be able to compare your results to the state-of-the-art on the Leaderboard tab.
This challenge allows to use external data to train and tune parameters of algorithms.
We are committed to keeping track of this practice. Therefore, each submission must explicitly cite the kind of external data used and which modules benefit from it.
For each submission to the server, you have to attach the following files:
The dataset for the challenge consists of more than 648 hours of untrimmed videos from ActivityNet Release 1.3. There is a total of ~20K videos distributed among 200 activity categories. The distribution among training, validation and testing is ~50%, ~25%, and ~25% respectively. ActivityNet Release 1.3 can be downloaded from the download page or from its direct download link: ActivityNet Release 1.3.
Our challenge includes two types of tasks as described below:
This task is intended to evaluate the ability of algorithms to predict activities in untrimmed video sequences. Here, videos can contain more than one activity, and typically large time lapses of the video are not related with any activity of interest.
This task is intended to evaluate the ability of algorithms to temporally localize activities in untrimmed video sequences. Here, videos can contain more than one activity instance, and mutiple activity categories can appear in the video.
You have to bear in mind the following format for each submission process:
Please format your results as illustrated in the example below. You can also download this example classification submission file.
version: "VERSION 1.3",
results: {
: [
label: "Discus throw", # At least one prediction per video is required.
score: 1
label: "Shot put",
score: 0.777
external_data: {
used: true, # Boolean flag. True indicates used of external data.
details: "First fully-connected layer from VGG-16 pre-trained on ILSVRC-2012 training set", # String with details of your external data.
Please format your results as illustrated in the example below. You can also download this example detection submission file.
version: "VERSION 1.3",
results: {
: [
label: "Discus throw",
score: 0.64,
segment: [24.25,38.08]
label: "Shot put".
score: 0.77,
segment: [11.25, 19.37]
external_data: {
used: true, # Boolean flag. True indicates used of external data.
details: "First fully-connected layer from VGG-16 pre-trained on ILSVRC-2012 training set", # String with details of your external data.
Two different metrics are used to evaluate perfomance in this challenge:
This challenge allows participants to use external data to train their algorithms or tune parameters.
Each submission should explicitly cite the kind of external data used and which modules of the system benefit from it.
This information must be available in the Notebook paper and the JSON File.
Some popular forms of external data usage include (but not confined to):
This academic challenge aims to highlight automated algorithms that understand the audio-visual content of videos. To serve this purpose and to allow for fair competition, we request that ALL participants:
Each winner per challenge task will be rewarded with a GPU card sponsored by Nvidia Corp.